
生活知识 2023-04-28 20:40生活知识www.zhongliuw.cn

1岁半的宝宝吃饭到处乱跑怎么办?这是很多家长面临的问题。其实,宝宝吃饭不是一件难事,只要掌握正确的 *** ,就能让宝宝乖乖吃饭。下面我们一起来看看吧!1、不要强迫宝宝吃饭。有的家长认为,宝宝不吃饭就是不爱吃饭,这样的想法是错误的。如果宝宝不爱吃饭,不仅会影响身体发育,还会致营养不良。所以,家长要尊重宝宝的意愿,不要强迫宝宝吃饭。2、多给宝宝吃蔬菜水果。


评论翻译Yes. It’s incredibly rude, not to mention dangerous for the brat, the other patrons, and the restaurant’s staff.Your spawn can injure other customers, themselves and the staff. Have you considered the consequences of your brat running into a server carrying a tray of, say, sizzling fajitas or hot soup and having that spill on your precious angel? And have you considered that other patrons may not want to put up with your child’s antics and accidentally trip it so it takes a header into a wall or table?是的。这种行为非常粗鲁,更不用说对这个小孩、其他顾客和餐厅员工来说是很危险的。你的小孩会伤害到其他顾客,他们自己和工作人员。你有没有想过,如果你的孩子碰巧碰到一位端着一盘滋滋作响的墨西哥烙饼和热汤的服务员,洒在你的宝贝身上会有什么后果?你有没有想过,其他顾客可能不想忍受你孩子的滑稽动作,不小心绊倒了他,导致他撞到墙上或桌子上?评论:Yes, it is. There’s a time and place for everything and restaurants are not the place to be running around and playing. Children are not to blame of course, that blame is solely the parents fault. These generations are so spoiled bcuz the parents don’t watch their kids no more. I would see 3 yr. old kids 2 1/2 blocks away from home, alone… *** h. It’s sad and I get angry at the thought of some of these kids that get kidnapped, where were the parents and I’m talking about little kids that should not be alone for any amount of time… at all!是的。做任何事都要看时间和地点,餐馆不是跑来跑去玩的地方。但不能怪孩子,那完全是父母的错。这代父母被宠坏了,他们不再照看他们的孩子。我会在离家两个半街区的地方看到三岁的孩子,独自一人……我很难过,一想到这些被绑架的孩子,他们的父母在哪里,我就很生气,我说的是小孩子,他们不应该在任何时间独处,完全不应该!============Yes, it’s rude inconsiderate and dangerous for the child, the servers and other diners. I was at a casual restaurant when three rowdy children, two boys and a girl went screaming and giggling through the restaurant just as an elderly woman was standing up from her seat. They sent her flying. She lay on the floor wimpering and moaning in pain. An ambulance was called. I heard later she had broken her wrist. The parents of these children got up, paid their bill and left.是的,这对孩子、服务员和其他用餐者来说是粗鲁、不体贴和危险的。我当时在一家餐厅,三个吵闹的孩子,两个男孩和一个女孩,在餐厅里尖叫着,咯咯地笑着,这时一位老妇人正从座位上站起来。他们把她撞飞了,她躺在地板上痛苦地 *** 着。救护车被叫来了。后来我听说她手腕骨折了。这些孩子的父母起身付了帐就离开了。It’s also rude to let your children run around supermarkets. I was pregnant and pushing a trolley when a child, about 10 but a big kid, ran straight into the front of my trolley pushing it hard into my swollen tummy. I cried out and another woman came to help me. The boy just ran on.让你的孩子在超市里跑来跑去也是不礼貌的。我怀孕的时候推着手推车,一个孩子,大约10岁,但是个大孩子,直接撞到了我的手推车前面,把它狠狠地推到了我的大肚子上。我喊了一声,另一个女人过来帮助我。男孩只是继续跑。============Short answer : Yes. If anyone has to ask why, then one is living a self entitled life in one’s brain.简短的回答:是的。如果有人要问为什么,那么这个人在自己的大脑里过着一种自以为是的生活。Long answer:My wife, my 2 yo son and I were having lunch with another couple and their 2yo son. It was a catchup of sorts at a restaurant. How bad can a old friend catch up and the possibility of a new playmate for my son be?Fast forward to post lunch. So as usual for us, once my son finished his food, my wife took out his Matchbox toy car and another *** all toy that could fit on the food tray. Why? As it’s our practice not to let a toddler run around or do what bored kids do when the *** s are yakking away.On the other hand, my friend’s son had a different training. Throughout his meal we was squirming around trying to get off his baby chair and throwing his food on the floor that sort of stuff. Halfway through his meal, he decided he had enough and decided to explore the entire restaurant on his own.长一点的回答:我和我的妻子,我两岁的儿子和另一对夫妇,他们两岁的儿子一起吃午饭。这是在餐厅里的一次闲聊。到午餐后,像往常一样,儿子一吃完饭,我妻子就拿出他的玩具汽车和另一个可以放在餐盘上的小玩具。为什么?因为我们的做法是,在大人喋喋不休的时候,不让蹒跚学步的孩子跑来跑去,也不让孩子做无聊的事。另一方面,我朋友的儿子不一样。在他吃饭期间,他一直在他的婴儿椅上扭来扭去,试图离开他的婴儿椅,把他的食物扔在地板上,诸如此类的事情。吃到一半时,他觉得自己已经吃饱了,决定独自探索整个餐厅。原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处Up to this point both me and my wife refrained from commenting what was “Are you guys kidding?”. My friend and his wife were nonchalant about it as if his son was made of kevlar and just being cute to be exploring. Lo and behold, our server came to our table and ask them to rein in their kid because they might not be able to notice in time and might trample or spill hot food on their kid. To which my friend replied “You are the *** and it’s your job to be careful to look out for kids”. To the credit of our server, her reply was, “You are the *** that birthed this kid, we are not responsible for unattended children.”So my friend grumbled about bad service but went to chase after his kid.His wife then turned on us, and commented about our son (and this is exactly what she said 24 years ago). “Is your son ok? Why is he so quiet and docile? He just sits there with his toys. He should be running around and exploring and expressing himself. You should bring him to see a child psychologist.”到此刻为止,我和我的妻子都没有说比如“你们在开玩笑吗?”之类的话,我的朋友和他的妻子对此漠不关心,好像他的儿子是用凯夫拉纤维做的,只是为了探索而可爱。你瞧,我们的服务员来到我们的餐桌,要求他们管住他们的孩子,觉得他们可能还没注意到,孩子会摔倒或者滚烫的食物在他们的孩子身上。我的朋友回答说:“你是大人,小心照顾孩子是你的工作。”值得称道的是,她的回答是:“你是生下这个孩子的大人,我们不对无人看管的孩子负责。”所以我的朋友抱怨了糟糕的服务,去追他的孩子。然后他的妻子转向我们,评论我们的儿子(这正是她24年前说的话)。“你儿子还好吗?为什么他这么安静和温顺?他只是坐在那里玩他的玩具。他应该到处跑,探索和表达自己。你应该带他去看儿童心理学家。”To which I replied, “Well at least I don’t have to be told by the server how to be a responsible *** . I recommend you sign up for classes and learn from a puppy trainer.”I took my wallet, retrieved more than our share for the meal and left it on the table. Next I asked my wife to grab our kid and we left. I gave our server a good tip. I did not even say good bye to my now ‘ex-friend’.Legend has it he is still running after his *** son.And if anyone is interested to how my son is doing, you might want to read this post I wrote back 2020.Qn: Is it rude to let your kids run around in a restaurant?我回答说:“至少我不用被服务员告诉如何成为一个负责任的成年人。我建议你报个班,跟训狗师学习。”我拿起钱包,拿出比我们那份饭钱多的钱,放在桌子上。接着,我让我的妻子带着我们的孩子离开了。我给了服务员不少小费。我甚至没有和我现在的“前朋友”说再见。传说他仍在追赶他已成年的儿子。如果有人对我儿子的近况感兴趣,你可能会想看看我在2020年写的这篇文章。让你的孩子在餐厅里跑来跑去是不是很不礼貌?评论:Thanks for sharing both stories. You raised a fine boy. Even violence teaches us things. Not everything we see that seems negative makes us negative.谢谢你分享的故事。你养了个好孩子。甚至暴力也能教会我们一些东西。并不是所有我们看到的消极的东西都会让我们变得消极。

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