OncoGel ?(用于食道癌)

恶性肿瘤 2017-04-20 15:07恶性肿瘤www.zhongliuw.cn
Product OncoGel;Paclitaxel Aqueous Gel InjectionIndicationsOesophageal cancerPhasePhase IIb ongoing for oesophageal cancerDescriptionSustained-release formulation of pa

Paclitaxel Aqueous Gel Injection
Oesophageal cancer
Phase IIb ongoing for oesophageal cancer
Sustained-release formulation of paclitaxel, a well established chemotherapy agent, for local injection, which is designed to provide high concentrations of paclitaxel at the tumour site while minimising exposure to other organs.
Further Information
Patients with oesophageal cancers have very few treatment options and life expectancy can be less than two years from first diagnosis. Data indicates that around 15,000 new cases of oesophageal cancer are reported in the US each year, with 13,000 patients dying of the disease annually.  
OncoGel™ in an investigational new drug that is being studied in combination with commonly used cancer treatments such as surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy to determine if the life expectancy of patients with oesophageal cancer can be extended. OncoGel™ also has the potential to be used in other cancers which are accessible by local injection.
OncoGel™ is being injected directly into the tumour for oesophageal tumours.
In non-clinical models OncoGel™ has been shown to continuously release paclitaxel for up to six weeks to provide concentrations of the drug several orders of magnitude higher at the tumour site than in the blood.
In a small Phase IIa study of OncoGel™ in patients with late stage inoperable oesophageal cancer, 70% of patients had a reduction in tumour volume when OncoGel™ was used in combination with radiotherapy.
In addition, biopsy samples did not contain tumour cells in almost 40% of patients. A Phase IIb study in 124 patients with operable oesophageal cancer is ongoing.

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